In the latest update of Pokémon Go, the developers have finally added trade evolutions to the series. Since the days of Pokémon Red & Blue, this new concept will only be used to evolve Pokémon such as Machoke or Kadabra upon a trade. However, such a trading concept works differently in the Pokémon Go, and it is worth noting which Pokémon can get advantage from the trade evolution.

Pokémon Go: How Do Trade Evolution Mechanics Works?
There is no doubt that the trade evolution has been a most-awaited feature of the series ever since its earliest incarnation. In the past, when gamers would take their Game Boys along with link cable to school and used it as the best method for attaining users to trade and engage together. Most importantly, it makes sure the presence of a healthy trading environment according to the version of the Pokémon game.
To grab them all, players had to trade. Fortunately, the trading mechanism is not quite similar in Pokémon Go as players have to use the traditional method. However, allocating the trade evolution mechanic can still very advantageous. What trading method does it negate the candy price for evolving a specific Pokémon, provided the gamers in question attaining the Pokémon in a trade. For instance, in case a trainer gets a Machoke in a trade, then they can evolve it into a Machamp without spending a single penny in the game.
Pokémon Go: Which Pokémon can Benefit from Trades?
As we know, not every Pokémon can be evolved from this mechanics. For that, it is highly suggested to learn which Pokémon can be evolved from their collections from trade evolution. Here is the complete list of Pokémon that can take advantage of trade evolution. Those are:
1. Haunter
2. Shelmet
3. Graveler
4. Boldore
5. Machoke
6. Gurdurr
7. Kadabra
8. Karrablast
In order to receive benefits of the candy discounts, gamers will require to coordinate. Also, make sure that you will be able to trade two evolving Pokémon. Conversely, it can be challenging to find someone to coordinate and complete trade efficiently.
Fortunately, for Pokémon Go gamers that want to go alone, then you might get amazed by knowing that they are still in luck. Well, the trade evolution mechanic in Pokémon Go is very different from the other installments of the Pokémon franchise. It means that Pokémon Go trainers can still evolve their Pokémon through the traditional method, whereas it will just cost more in-game currency (Candy). So, make sure to catch lots of new Pokémon and start planning for PvE and PVP combats roasters for the near future accordingly.

So, what’s the final saying?
All in all, trade evolution is one of the best mechanics of the main Pokémon series. Now, such exciting features have been introduced to this installment that one can use to evolve their Pokémon. To learn more about it, make sure to check out the details described above and evolve the necessary Pokémon conveniently.
Rdx Tango is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. He writes about the latest updates regarding and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs, and websites.